h1. Grebe Creating and Editing Tips more. h2. Create a New Post When logged into the site, click the "compose" link, which is located at the bottom of the site. After clicking "compose", you will see a blank text-area box that looks like this. !https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5808/23409090522_0e8228da15_z.jpg! br. This simple text-area box is good for quick editing. It's better to create and edit posts using the JavaScript editor, which can be accessed by clicking the *"editor"* link, located near the lower right corner of the text-area box. h2. Edit Existing Post If you need to edit a post, click the *"EDIT"* link, located at the top or bottom of the page when viewing the post. The markup for the post will be displayed in the simple and limited text-area box. If it's a quick-edit, this is fine to use. But if a longer editing session is planned, then it's better to use the JavaScript editor. To edit with the JavaScript editor, click the small *"editor"* link, which is located near the lower right hand corner of the text-area box. *Note:* If you make changes within the simple, limited text-area box, and then click the editor link to edit with the JavaScript editor, those changes will not be preserved. After making edits, save changes before switching to a different editing mode. I edit with the JavaScript editor, unless it's a minor, quick change. h2. JavaScript Editor Clicking the editor link puts you into a better editing/writing area. This is not a WYSIWYG editor. Formatting buttons do not exist. This is a plain text editor where you enter formatting commands. The content management system converts those commands into the HTML that gets displayed in a user's web browser. This enhanced writing area auto-saves every 5 minutes if new content has been added (at least one key has been *pressed.*) Within the enhanced writing area, you can either write and preview in *split screen* mode or you can click the *right-facing arrows* in the navigation bar to switch to *single screen* mode. This provides a larger writing screen, and it's the preferred writing mode when editing on a phone or tablet. When writing in single screen mode, and when you click *"preview,"* the formatted page will also be shown in single screen mode. Previewing a post does not save a post. I will preview often as I make changes, and when I'm satisfied, then I will click save. To change from previewing in single screen mode back to writing in single screen mode, click the right-facing arrows again. To get back to split screen mode, click the *left-facing arrows.* Click the arrows to play around. Nothing can be harmed. To save whenever you want instead of waiting for the autosave to kick in, then click *"save."* *To open the article in a new browser tab* in order to see how it looks within the website, save it first from within the JavaScript editor, and then right-click on the article title, located at the top of the preview pane, and choose to open the link in a new browser window. When moving away from the enhanced writing area, you will get a pop-up message, asking if you want to leave the page. Click "confirm" or whatever the answer is to leave the page. This confirmation pop-up will appear even after you have saved the content. The confirmation pop-up is a safety feature to ensure that the you saved content before moving away from the article. The Apple Safari web browser, however, does not support this pop-up confirmation function. h2. JavaScript Editor Screenshots "Editor" may be an inappropriate term to use to describe this browser-based JavaScript tool. This is the default display. You write in the left pane, and the content can be previewed in the right pane. This is not a live-preview app. You click "preview" to see how the content would be displayed on the website. !https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/761/23491482516_2ce3e97bf7_z.jpg! br. Single screen mode for writing. !https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/649/23517593205_a3ccd77a3b_z.jpg! br. Single screen mode for previewing a post. !https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5631/23149612299_b438ff762f_z.jpg! #help