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Live Blog - Wed, Nov 26, 2014
6:36 a.m. - Nothing real here, of course, on a test site. Just playing around.
Making this initial post from my iPhone, using the enhanced writing function in single-screen mode within Junco / JotHut.
This is why I prefer to use a web app with a database, so that I can publish easily and instantly from any web-enabled device. I can do that three ways with both my Junco and Grebe web publishing apps:
- microblog or notes - small text area box that remains at the top of the page after each post, so that I don't have to click a "post" link first.
- blog or article:
- click "post" to display a larger text area box. Simple HTML web form.
- click "post" and the click "spit" to display the javascript-
by testuser
- 130 words
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